Sae Wylfing is a most unusual craft that attracts attention from all who see the boat.

Her Annual Programme and TALK activities have been on this page, but they have been curtailed throughout the various pandemics. It is hoped to recommence activities in the 2024 season.


There are some short videos of Sae Wylfing on the water.

You can find them by hovering the cursor over Using Sae Wylfing at the top of this page and clicking on Sae Wylfing Afloat


She can be use in a variety of different ways.

Currently she is usually displayed on land only.

When she is set up on land for public events she arrives on her own trailer.

Access to the display site must have no restricting tight corners.

She needs about 50ft in length and room for the towing vehicle to be removed or connected. She can be moved around by hand on hard surfaces, but needs two or three people to do this.

When in position her cover can be removed and the trailer covered. Strong wooden steps are placed alongside to make access possible.

The number of people entering the craft should total about 6 children to avoid overloading on the trailer. The craft has public liability insurance but visitors are informed that they are making their own choice to enter and exit the boat.

At public events there will be information leaflets available giving outline information about: the boat. The Woodbridge Riverside Trust and other groups associated with the boat such as Ealdfaeder the Saxon re-enactment group that usually accompanies her.

                                      Activities and display.

Coins web


Depending on the location and purpose of the event the boat may have interesting and informative activities associated with it.Children can access the boat.They can be photographed with re-enactors if they are present.Plastic or wooden swords, shields and helmets in child sizes are usually available.

There may be activities outside the boat for which small charges may be made, such as, striking coins using the die of a Merovingian coin found with the Sutton Hoo ship burial. Demonstrations of craft skills, spinning. weaving, hand-grinding grain, leatherwork, cooking, woodworking, may be given.

There may be Lego ship models on display, Lego models & Sutton Hoo helmet masks for sale.

Amongst the people concerned with arranging and running the boat there will be those have in-depth knowledge of Anglo-Saxon life and culture and also those who know the outline history of the Sutton Hoo discoveries, the Sutton Hoo ship and its construction.


Mask web Discuss web

 This is what she looks like when she is empty and on the water













Educational Visits.

helmets webThe longboat immediately brings to life the Anglo-Saxons. Much is known about the Romans who came before them and the Vikings who came afterwards, but little is understood by the general public of the people who were dominant in Britain for about 4-500 years and who gave their name the south-eastern part of the country and even the country itself. The story can be told in a most memorable fashion using this craft as the centre of interest, by the people who know most about it today; those who can dress Anglo-Saxon, eat Anglo-Saxon and speak Anglo-Saxon. The story is not of Dark Ages, but of colourful people, family oriented with music and storytelling and the most wonderful skills in producing art with intricate craft skills.

When children are given the opportunity to ask questions they explore outside the boxes.

This is an extract from a report of a public event:

'We engaged in conversations: about the buoyancy properties of salt water versus fresh water, ---- the position of the “steorbord”,-----  whether the original ship sailed and, if not, how had it received damage severe enough to require patching? ---- Was the helmet reconstruction in the British Museum accurate or do the pieces fit together in another fashion? ----- Why were there coins from 32 different Merovingian mints? ----- Why was pattern welding employed in the manufacture of swords? ----- Could I see a pattern welded sword?'


We were prepared to respond to this kind of probing by bringing our expertise into schools. This was the real value of the longboat and it allowed our volunteers to handle all those tricky questions.

Guy helped by Ian, telling the Anglo-Saxon story of the Battle of Brunanburh. 

Archant Newspapers 'Coastal Scene' reporting on a Woodbridge event that is part of the National Heritage Open Days said:

'For many the star attraction at the Maritime Woodbridge event was the 45ft long 

replica of the famous burial ship found at nearby Sutton Hoo.

The boat was a hit with families and children.

There was a great amount of interest.'


 Looking back

There have been up to 25 events or talks in a year linked to the Ship Project.

Most 2020-21 events were unfortunately cancelled.


Talks 'Crossing the North Sea' were scheduled under Covid Guidance Rules

for the Royal Harwich Yacht Club and in

October 2021 a talk about the ongoing 'Reconstruction of the Anglo-Saxon ship'.


In January 2022 the 'Reconstruction' talk was given to the Woodbridge Cruising Club.

February 19 the (sailing yachts), Parker/Seal Owners Association visited the Longshed

as part of their AGM to hear about the 'Reconstruction of the Anglo-Saxon ship',

have an illustrated talk and to see the ship first-hand.

'Sae Wylfing' went afloat in April 2022

April 11 the 'Reconstruction' talk for Ipswich Wolsey Rotary Club.


As Sae Wylfing was 30 years old it was decided to refurbish her as some of her plaks were splitting. She was professional restored at the Woodbridge Boatyard (see the article on Deben Cherubs on the Home Page. Her mast was also replaced with a new one. She is uusually afloat in the river outside the longshed, but is also used for events, such as that organised by the Woodbridge Riverside Trust for Christmas 2023.

To make contact and discover more, email Bryan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you want to arrange a talk to your group or society use the contact pages on allied websites. or


The Sutton Hoo Ship's Company are currently building the reconstructed ship in the Longshed. They can arrange guided tours for groups of restricted size. Viewing the ship is still FREE, but for conducted group tours there is a small charge. Contact them on


Event visits were land based, but the boat has been afloat annually from 2017 - 2024

In early 2024 the boat is afloat

March. WRT Talk in Frinton. WRT Talk in Saxmundham

WRT has monthly talks in the John Gibbens gallery in the Longshed

The annual programme has been in continuous development as the boat became more popular. It was in such demand that it could be taken to a different event almost every weekend during the summer months. The effort of taking it to so many events was very great and so it had to be 'rationed'. Now it will probably stay afloat for 2024.

Talk to WRT

They are flexible and inventive and can work with you in many ways.

Here is an example of a model of the boat that we worked up for our local cub group to make. These are the patterns taken from the drawings. The cubs drew around the patterns and cut out their own cardboard shapes to assemble their own ship model. The warrior is to the same scale as the ship to give them an ideal of its dimensions. The accompanying illustrated talk together with this practical activity would be ideal for year 5 - 6 pupils in school.



The model is nearly a metre long.


 We made news for you when we visited your school; news for the  school, news for the local press.
We showed authentic costume and talked about many aspects of  Anglo-Saxon life. On the left Guy is explaining the  meaning of Runes and  how to write them. Schools could join to have a  combined event.

 Discussions were always under way about a number of events that the boat could attend.  Educational events were agreat success at schools in Woodbridge and at the Schools event at Suffolk Showground from 2015 - 2019  It also undertake photographic and film work.


The support team is not always the same people for every event. Some people are interested in re-enacting and demonstrating practical skills, some in relating academic history, others are happy meeting the general public  We value those who just want to support, to help to deliver, help set up, drive, maintain, clear up and bring the teas and ice creams. There are many and varied tasks. If you want to join us, you can try it out. You do not have to dress as an Anglo-Saxon. You do not need to be a history expert, help is available. You just need to join in.

What are we doing?

We are taking the Woodbridge Riverside Trust's community activities out to the wider public to raise awareness of the current developments around the waterfront site in Woodbridge. It is interesting to go to new locations and if you want to be involved, please contact us. We particularly appreciate getting the word out to young people about this project that is going places.

If you are arranging a Maritime event in 2024, WRT would like to hear from you as the boat is afloat this year.

 Anglo-Saxon warriors at Weird & Wonderful Wood, Haughley Park


 Maritime Ipswich Event